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United Learning Day Program
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UCHM has provided after-school youth programs to the Louisville community for over 20 years. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UCHM is altering its current youth programming in order to meet the changing needs of students. In the 20-21 school year, UCHM will provide academic and social support to students in grades K-8 through our newly designed United Learning Day Program. Through this program parents can sign their student up for on-site academic and social support at UCHM in 2-hour blocks, up to two days a week Tuesday or Thursday from 9am – 12pm or 1pm-4pm. This program is for students who are enrolled in school and participating fully in virtual learning. The program begins August 31 and will continue until JCPS resumes in-person classes. We provide support in the following ways:
NTI Guidance – Working one-on-one with staff and volunteers, students will receive additional support as they work through NTI assignments. Our goal is to provide encouragement, guidance and support as they work through classroom assignments. UCHM will provide technology and the internet.
- Tutoring – UCHM staff will communicate with parents and teachers to identify areas that students may need additional support. Staff and volunteers will work with the student one-on-one to develop skills in the identified area for improvement.
- Social Support – UCHM will provide much-needed social support to students by providing daily wellness check-ins. These check-ins will allow staff to gauge how a student may be doing emotionally and socially. Additional program activities will be developed to provide social support to children. Virtual group activities, group discussions, etc. When needed UCHM staff will refer students to additional resources.
COVID Safety Measures:
- Staff, volunteers and students must wear a mask during entirety of the program.
- All students arriving will have their temperature take and be asked if they have had any symptoms in the last 24 hours. This will be logged on a daily basis.
- Only 4 students and 4 staff will be allowed in one room at a time. Social distancing must be observed at all times.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be on hand and used frequently.
- Students will be assigned a computer and must use that same computer at every session.
- When parents arrive to pick up their child they can will contact us to notify us that they have arrived for pick up. Parents will be met at the front entrance (designated drop off and pick up site).
Other Program Information:
- The program will take place on the second floor of our community center. Each student will have access to a computer for the duration of their session.
- There is no fee for the program. Tax-deductible donations are accepted.
- Transportation will need to be provided by the parents to and from UCHM. Students must be picked up and dropped off on time.
- All students will be invited to participate in a weekly virtual meeting with all students enrolled in our program. We will participate in these activities as a team in order to develop project-based learning skills and improve social and emotional aptitude.
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For more information or to apply, please contact Katie Litanga at klitanga@uchmlouky.org or 502-893-0346 ex. 104.
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2020-2021 Program Application
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