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United Learning Sponsorship Packet

United We Can Make a Difference: 2019 United Learning Youth Sponsorship Packet

The United Learning Youth Program at United Crescent Hill Ministries has generated positive results for the 85 youth that attended our 2019 summer camp and after-school program. In the 2018-19 academic year, 85% of students who attended our after-school program improved their grade(s) in one or more subject areas and 100% of students increased their social and emotional skills. Also in 2019, over 90% of students who attended our summer camp improved or retained their academic skills and knowledge. Due to the immense success of our program and the continued need in the community, we are making a push to increase our capacity by 50 percent in the 2019-2020 school year. We cannot accomplish this goal without the help of our community members, local organizations, and new and long-time supporters.

We have created a sponsorship packet with the hopes of encouraging those around us to join us in this endeavor towards improving youth education not only in, but also during our important out-of-school-time programs. Below you will find the 2019 Sponsorship Packet, which includes more information about what services we offer our youth and the impact we have in the community. Please let us know if you are interested in sponsoring UCHM’s youth program by completing the packet and returning it to 150 South State Street, Louisville, KY 40206, or by contacting David Demanget at ddemanget@uchmlouky.org or 502-893-0346.

United Learning Youth Program Sponsorship Packet